Sunday, 17 October 2021

Grade 10- SEE ( Chapter-19 Heredity )



All notes and practice questions

1. The branch of biology in which the study of inheritance from the parents to the offspring is called genetics.

2. The process of transmission of characters from one generation to another generation is called heredity or inheritance.

3. The characters which transfer from parents to offspring are called hereditary characters. For example shape, color, the height of the body, etc.

4. The organism produced by crossing two genetically different patterns is called hybrids.

5. The process of crossing between two alternating characters is called hybridization.

6. The outlook of an organism is called the phenotype.

7. The genetic composition of an organism is called a genotype.

8. A phenomenon in which a member of a pair of allelic genes expresses itself as a whole or in part incomplete dominance is called dominance.

9. The difference from the parents to offspring is from the members of the species is called variation.

10. The variation which occurs by sudden changes is called discontinuous variation.


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Important questions

1. State law of dominance.

2. Write the dominant and recessive genetic characters in human beings.

3. What are environmental variations?

4. What are the causes of mutations?

5. Why was Mendel crowned with success in his experiments whereas his predecessors failed?

6. Can we apply Mendel's law to human beings too? State any two difficulties Mendel would have faced if he had carried his experiment on human beings instead of plants.

7. Write any two applications of Mendel's law of inheritance.

8. Write the importance of variations.

9. Draw the result of crossing between tall and dwarf pea plants up to the second filial generation.

10. Write the name of the scientist who gave the concept of mutation.

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You may also like: 

1. Notes of Blood circulation in the human body: Click here to go
2. Notes of History of the Earth: Click here to go
3. Optional Mathematics all formulae: Click here to go
4. Notes of Heredity: Click here to go

Saturday, 16 October 2021

Grade 10- SEE ( Chapter-16 Blood Circulation in Human Body)

 Blood Circulation in Human Body

All notes and Exercise

Important Points to remember

The system of the body which helps to transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, excretory products, hormones, and other substances from one part of the body to the other part is called the circulatory system.

Blood is a typical connective tissue that circulates in a closed system of blood vessels. It consists of plasma and blood cells.

Plasma is the liquid part of the blood into which float different types of blood cells.

Fibrinogen helps in the clotting of blood at the wound.

The iron-rich respiratory pigment is called hemoglobin.

Anemia is an abnormal decrease in the number of RBCs or in the amount of hemoglobin or both.

Leukemia is an increase in the number of leukocytes ( WBC's). It is also known as blood cancer.

The heart is surrounded by two delicate membranes called pericardial membranes between which there is a fluid called pericardial fluid.

The contraction and relaxation of the heart are called systole and diastole.

The force exerted by blood against the wall of a vessel is called blood pressure.

The instrument which is used to measure blood pressure is called a sphygmomanometer.

Whole chapter notes: 

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Modern Graded Science

All Exercises

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Test Yourself


1. Arteries are blood vessels that: 

A. carry blood away from the heart 
B. carry oxygenated blood 
C. carry blood towards the heart 
D. carry deoxygenated blood 
E. carry blood at low pressure

 2. The systemic circulation includes all of the following structures except one. Which is the exception?

A. the aorta 
B. the femoral vein 
C. the superior vena cava 
D. the pulmonary vein 
E. the renal artery 

3. Vascular resistance is determined by:

 A. length of a blood vessel 
B. viscosity of blood 
C. the way blood flow through a vessel 
D. diameter of a blood vessel 
E. blood pressure

 4. In the heart, valves that ensure one-way flow of blood are found:

 A. between the atria and the ventricles
 B. between the ventricles and the arteries 
C. between the vena cavae and the atria 
D. Options A and B 
E. Options A and C  

5. The expression ‘cardiac cycle’ refers to:

A. the sequence of events in the heart that take place every minute 
B. the volume of blood pumped by the ventricles every minute
C. the sequence of events that can be seen on an electrocardiogram 
D. the sequence of events that create heart sounds 
E. the sequence of events that take place between one heartbeat and the next 


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2. Download the whole exerciseDownload pdf
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You may also like: 

1. Notes of Blood circulation in the human body: Click here to go
2. Notes of History of the Earth: Click here to go
3. Optional Mathematics all formulae: Click here to go
4. Notes of Heredity: Click here to go

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Grade 10 Science (History Of the Earth) All notes

 History of the Earth 

Short notes, Summary of Chapter, Things to Remember, and Complete Exercise with some self-test questions


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All Exercise of History of the Earth
Modern Graded Science Book

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Whole Exercise pdf: Download Exercise

Test Yourself Questions.

1. What is an era?

2. What is petroleum?

3. What is paleontology?

4. What is carbonization?

5. What is crude oil?

6. How is the information about ancient living being taken? Explain it.

7. How is petroleum or mineral oil formed?

8. Explain how petroleum products have come to dominate our lives in many invisible ways.

9. Living Beings were evolved millions of years after the earth was created. Why?

Feel Free to comment on which chapter are you looking for.

Whole Exercise pdf: Download Exercise

Whole note pdf: Download Notes

You may also like: 

1. Notes of Blood circulation in the human body: Click here to go
2. Notes of History of the Earth: Click here to go
3. Optional Mathematics all formulae: Click here to go
4. Notes of Heredity: Click here to go