Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Gymnosperm Grade 11 Botany and It's importance (Roxburghi and Wallichiana)


General Characters:

Ø They are naked seeded plants i.e. they do not have fruits and seeds are open.

Ø They are found in tropical to temperate regions.

Ø The plant body is sporophyte.

Ø The sporophyte plant body is differentiated into roots, stems, and leaves.

Ø Roots are taproots.

Ø The stem is branched and usually, two types of branches are present i.e. branch of unlimited growth called long

shoots and a branch of limited growth called the dwarf shoot.

Ø Leaves may be of one kind i.e. monomorphic or two kinds i.e. dimorphic (one is green leaf and another is

minute scale leaf).

Ø Plants have vascular tissues i.e. xylem and phloem

Ø Xylem lacks vessels and phloem lacks companion cells (except Ephedra and Gnetum).

Ø Pollination is anemophily and direct.

Ø The endosperm is haploid.

Ø Double fertilization and triple fusion are absent.

Ø Polyembryony is common.

Habit: Pinus is a xerophytic monoecious plant.

Morphology: The plant body is a sporophyte differentiated into roots, stem, and leaves.

Root: Root is a taproot. Root has a symbiotic relationship with fungi called mycorrhiza.

Stem: Stem is erect, branched, and woody. The stem bears two types of branches i.e. long shoot (which arises from the main

stem and grows indefinitely) and dwarf shoot (which arises from the long shoot and grows for a short time). Long shoot

bears only scale leaves while dwarf shoot bears scale as well as foliage leaf.

Leaves: Pinus is dimorphic i.e. possess two types of leaves: scale leaves and foliage leaves. Scale leaves are thin,

brown, flattened, and minute structures which fall off with the maturity of branches while foliage leaves are long, needle-like, and green. The dwarf shoot-bearing foliage leaves are called spurs.

Reproduction: Pinus is monoecious and bears male and female cones on different branches of the same plant. Male cone develops in

the cluster (15-140) on the base of a long shot. They arise from axils of scale leaf and develop later than a male cone. Female

cones grow very slowly thus female cones of different ages may be seen in acropetal succession in the long shoot.

Male cone:

Each male cone is small and oval-shaped. It arises in clusters from the axils of scale leaves on the dwarf shoot. The male

cone has a central axis on which 60-150 microsporophyll’s are spirally arranged around the axis. A single

microsporophyll is a membranous stalked structure with a distal expanded roughly triangular sterile part called

the apophysis. Each microsporophyll bears two sac-like microsporangia on the abaxial surface. A mature

microsporangium consists of a multilayered wall, tapetum, and microspore mother cells. Each microspore mother cell

— by meiotic division — produces four microspores or pollen grains.

The pollen grains are boat-shaped with monosulcate apertures and are bounded by two concentric wall layers: the

outer thick exine and the inner thin intine. The exine on the lateral sides of the pollen is expanded to form two wings

(sauce). Pinus is wind-pollinated (anemophilous).

Female cones

They are produced in pairs or in clusters in the axil of the scale leaves. The female cones mature very slowly.

The fully matured third-year cone is much larger (15-60 cm in length), woody, loose, and brown in color. Here

megasporophylls are separated from each other due to the elongation of the cone axis. The female cone is

composed of a central axis on which 80-90 megasporophylls, axillary to bract scale/scale leaves, are arranged spirally

The bract scale and ovuliferous scale thus form a seed-scale complex. A single megasporophyll consists of two types

of scales:

(a) a large woody ovuliferous scale or seminiferous scale bearing two ovules on the adaxial surface, and

(b) a bract scale or cone scale on the abaxial surface.

Initially, the ovuliferous scale is much smaller than that of the bract scale, but after pollination, it becomes larger than

the bract scale. The ovuliferous scale is a thick, large, woody, roughly triangular, and brownish structure. Its upper

thick exposed part is known as apophysis.

The ovules of Pinus are anatropous, unitegmic and crassinucellate. The single integument is free from the nucellus

except at the chalazal end. There is a fairly broad micropylar tube that becomes inwardly curved during prepollination

stages and becomes outwardly curved at the time of pollination fertilization

The fertilization takes place after one year of pollination. One of the male nuclei fuses with the egg cell and thus a

zygote is formed.

Pinus found in Nepal: Two species of Pinus i.e. Pinus Roxburgh and Pinus wallichiana are found in Nepal. Pinus Roxburgh is found between an altitudinal range of 1200-2100m while Pinus wallichiana is found between 1800-3300m.

P. roxburghi can be distinguished from P. wallichiana by number of needles in a spur (roxburghi-3 needles;

wallichiana-5 needles) and shape of female cone (Roxburgh-oval cone; wallichiana- cylindrical).


Gymnosperms are the small group of plants, which constitute a sub-division of Spermatophyta or

phanerogams. There are about 73 genera and 7000 species in subdivision Gymnospermae.

1. As food

· Seeds of some species are edible: Cycas, Ginko, Pinus, Gnetum

· The stem of Cycas revoluta is a good source of Sago starch

· Zamia is a rich source of starch.

· Seeds and stem of Cycas revoluta used for making wine.

2. As medicine

Leaves of Cycas circinalis, Taxus are used as medicines.

· Pollen grains of some Cycas have a narcotic effect

· Oil of Juniperus is important.

· Ephedrine is derived from Ephedra used in the treatment of cold, cough.

· An anti-cancerous drug called taxol is obtained from the bark of Taxus

3. As ornaments

· Species of Cycas are used for decoration purposes

· Ginkgo Biloba, possess beautiful ornamental leaves

· Thuja, Pinus, Taxus, etc are grown in parks.

4. In an industry

· Spruce or Picea is an important source of pulpwood.

· The wood of Juniperus is used in making pencils, scales, and holders

· The bark of Larix yields a tannin

· Turpentine is obtained from Abies balsamic.

· The wood of red spruce is especially important for the music industry.



Thursday, 17 March 2022



    a project work submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the grade 11 science in PHYSICS.












        Trinity International Secondary School

Department of Physics


Presented by

Name of the student: SHUBHAM UPRETI

Grade: 11

Section: MK1

ID card number: 25329






I hereby declare that the work presented in this project report has been done by myself under the supervision of Mr. DAYA RAM SHARMA and Mr. AMIT KUMAR YADAV and has not been submitted elsewhere for any kind of certification.


All sources of information have been specifically acknowledged by references to authors or institutions.







   Shubham Upreti

Signature: Shubham

Grade: 11

Section: MK1

Email address: shubham.upreti@trinity.edu.np

Date: 2022/03/21









                                                      Letter of Approval



the project work submitted to trinity international ss, BY SHUBHAM UPRETI , entitled “ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF ENERGY” . has been approved as the partial fulfillment of the requirements of the internal evaluation.  






      ………………………….                                                                                ………………………..

      Mr. AMIT KUMAR YADAV                                                 Mr. DAYA RAM SHARMA







Date: 2022/03/21


















I am indebted to all the past physicists and researchers of Nepal; without whose extensive work and literature this study would have never been possible.


I wish to express my deepest sense of gratitude and profundal regards to my supervisor, Mr. DAYA RAM SHARMA and Mr. AMIT KUMAR YADAV sir for learned guidance, abiding interest and all the pain they took to get my study work completed and documents prepared in time.


I would like to remember all my friends and family members who have supported, helped and encouraged me thus far.






                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS





   Introduction and Background

                                                 Primary energy consumption


Types                                        Final energy consumption


                                                          Gross energy consumption








To have the knowledge regarding to the present condition of energy consumption pattern in my neighborhood.

To find the necessary solutions, new techniques about proper use of energy and decrease unnecessary energy consumption.




The energy sector plays an important role in the overall economic growth of a country. This year Nepal Government has allocated approximately $778 million for energy sector. The purpose of this study is to explore the energy consumption pattern in my neighborhood. This project can be considered as a sample survey. In the present context patterns of energy consumption has a direct impact on economy of a country.

The types of energy consumption around us are classified as:

Primary Energy Consumption

Final Energy Consumption

Gross inland Energy Consumption




It measures the total energy demand of a country covering the energy sector itself, distribution of energy and the final consumption by end users.




It is the total energy consumed by end consumers such as households, industry and agriculture. It is the energy which reaches the final consumer's door and excludes that which is used by the energy sector itself.

Final energy consumption excludes energy used by the energy sector, including for deliveries, and transformation. It also excludes fuel transformed in the electrical power stations of industrial auto-producers and coke transformed into blast-furnace gas where this is not part of overall industrial consumption but of the transformation sector.

Final energy consumption in "households, services, etc." covers quantities consumed by private households, commerce, public administration, services, agriculture and fisheries. Gross inland energy consumption


Gross inland energy consumption, sometimes abbreviated as gross inland consumption, is the total energy demand of a country or region. It represents the quantity of energy necessary to satisfy inland consumption of the geographical entity under consideration.

Gross inland energy consumption covers:

·       Consumption by the energy sector itself;

·       Distribution and transformation losses;

·      Final energy consumption by end users;

·       'statistical differences' (not already captured in the figures on primary energy consumption and final energy consumption).



Primary production + recovered products + net imports + variations of stocks – bunkers.




Nepal has the potential to produce a large amount of energy. Although Nepalese population has access to electricity, they depend upon traditional fuels (partially or wholly). 82% of the people residing in my neighborhood uses solid fuels (coal, crop waste, dung and wood) whereas remaining 18% of people uses other energy or fuel. Due to country’s poor and undeveloped nature, the lack of infrastructures and skilled manpower in proper management and proper energy production has led to reliability on traditional energy sources like firewood and fossil fuels for powering.

Descriptive statistics comprises of frequency, distribution, measures of central tendency and dispersion e. g., percentage, maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation used to summarize and describe data. Firstly, characteristics of household and its features has been analyzed. Secondly, household end-use energy source of lighting, cooking, water heating, space heating and water pumping has been summarized. In this section author intend is to and out dependency on fossil fuel (LPG) and solar energy (electrical and thermal). Furthermore, survey results will illustrate the householder's awareness on use of energy efficient home appliances and relationship between monthly fuel cost to number of occupants, occupied floor area and monthly income. The endings of these analyses are described below.

 Basic Information of Respondent

The study reveals that, 80 percent respondents are economically active middle aged between 26 to 59 years; 55 percent of them earned master or higher degree education; and 80 percent were service holders.

Characteristics of Household

Here, the characteristics of household have been shown.

The percentage of head of household was 70 percent male and 30 percent female; the proportion the owned to rented ratio was 3:1. Only 10 percent respondent has occupied more than 3001 square feet floor area, others 30 percent of each used less than 1000, between 1001 and 2000, and between 2001 and 3000 square feet. 70 percent household size was found to compose of up to 5 members.

According to monthly household income, 40 percent earned more than NRs 100,000 per month, other 40 percent earned between NRs 50,000 and NRs 100,000 per month, remaining earned less than NRs 50,000 per month.






Household End Use Energy Sources

Fig. 1 shows that major portion of electricity and LPG used for lighting and cooking respectively. Whereas solar photovoltaic (PV) cell and solar collectors used for lighting and water heating purpose.








Fig. 1:  Household energy sources by end use


 Monthly Energy Cost









2: Monthly average energy cost in NRs by fuel type



Fig. 2 shows that monthly average energy cost for electricity is NRs 2081.1(62 percent) and LPG is NRs 1288.55(38 percent). It shows that the dependency upon fossil fuel (LPG) is reduced


Relationship between Monthly Energy Cost and Number of People








Fig. 3: Monthly average energy cost to household occupants


Household size simply refers to the number of people per household. Many researchers argue that occupancy has the strongest influence on variation in energy consumption [2]. Fig. 3 shows that household having occupant 10 to 15 expends NRs 4450 per month. This shows that energy cost varies according to family size.






As a conclusion this project reveals that most of the families use energy for lightning and cooking. Few people are only aware of photovoltaic cells it may be due to lack of awareness and also due to the economic condition of the family. It is good to know that most of the family members use non-emission source of energy i.e. electricity. Using LPG will increase air pollution and minimize fossil fuel. It can be also concluding that the number of family members is directly proportional to the expenses.

Finally, eco-friendly and renewable of source of energy should be promoted. We should have habit of using minimum energy and preserve energy source. The electric, heat energy must be used wisely. Solar cells, batteries, wind energy, geothermal energy must be promoted by government so that economic condition of country can get boost.



For the project work I have taken help from the following sources:

i) https://www.wikipedia.org/

ii) https://www.britannica.com/

iii) https://www.merriam-webster.com/

iv) Physics Practical Book Garuda Publication

v) https://energypedia.info/wiki/Nepal_Energy_Situation


vi)Pioneer Physics (Book by Kamal Bahadur Rayamajhi, DibyaBajracharya, Khem Raj    Deuja, Hiranya Lekhak, Dev Bahadur Khadka published of 2077 BS)


vii) learn-infinite108.blogspot.com





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