Protists are unicellular organisms that have a nucleus.
Kingdom: Protista
General characters
1. All the Protista are unicellular microscopic, Eukaryotic Organisms
2. The kingdom includes plant-like, animal-like, or fungi like organisms
3. They have protoplasmic or acellular level f body organization.
4. They may be free-living, parasitic, saprophytic, or symbiotic
5. They are holozoic or holophytic or saprozoic
6. Their reproduction takes place by sexual and asexual method
7. They can move with their locomotory organ-like pseudopodia, cilia, and flagella
I. Animal-like Protists (Protozoa)
II. Plant-like Protists (Algae)
III. Fungus-like Protists (Moulds)
I. Animal-like Protists
1. Protozoan means “First Animal”.
2. Cells contain a nucleus. Cells lack a cell wall.
3. They are heterotrophs.
4. Most can move on their own.
5. Digestion occurs within the food vacuole
6. Excretion occurs by the general body
7. Surface or opening called cytopyge.
8. Contractile vacuole Perform the task of osmoregulation
Groups of Animal-like Protists
1. Sarcodines
2. Ciliates
3. Flagellates
4. Sporozoans
Sarcodina or Rhizopoda
(Eg. Amoeba,Radiolaria, E. coli)
locomotion by Pseudopodia (Extensions of the cell
membrane and cytoplasm) used to capture food.
Nutrition Holozoic – free-living or parasitic
Pellicle absent
Asexual reproduction occurs either by binary fission
or multiple fission
(Eg, Paramecium, Vorticella)
Cilia as locomotory organs (Tiny hair-like projections used for movement, to gather food and as feelers)
Nutrition holozoic
Many free-living, some are parasitic
Pellicle present to provide definite shape
Have contractile vacuole
Nuclear dimorphism (macro and micro
nucleus) is seen.
3. Flagellata /Mastigophora
Have flagella for locomotion and food capture
Body covered with pellicle which provides shape
They are uninucleate organisms
Nutrition is heterotrophic
Parasitic or free living
They reproduce only asexually
Eg. Zooflagellates, Trypanosoma,
Leishmania, Giardia
(Plasmodium, Babesia, Isopora)
Body covered with pellicle which provides shape
Locomotory organ absent
All Sporozans or parasites.
They feed on cells and body fluids.
Form from Spores (tiny reproductive cells).
Pass from one host to another.
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